Country Kitchen Nutmeg Essence 120ml

The origin of Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) is the Moluccas, or rather the Banda archipelago. Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) is a small evergreen tree, usually from 5 to 13 meters in height, but some specimens reach 20 meters. Nutmeg bark is smooth, gray-brown, produces yellow juice when notched. The leaves of the tree are smooth and glossy, dark green, but slightly lighter underneath, elliptical in shape. The yellowish-white flowers of Nutmeg are dioecious, small, with bare peduncles and peduncles and a pitcher-shaped, thick, fleshy cup. Fruits are spherical drupes 6–9 cm in diameter, consist of a seed coated with hard, shiny skin, fleshy, delicate bright red seedling, aryllus and juicy pericarp, covered with orange-yellow skin. Externally, the fruits of Nutmeg initially resemble peaches, but when ripe, the fruits burst, exposing the nut covered with an aryllus.

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