Monster Khaos Energy Drink 473ml

The Monster Khaos Energy Juice Drink contains the original delicious Monster flavor combined with an aggressive combination of natural juices. These include apple, orange, peach, pineapple and white grape juice. In fact, 50 percent of the Monster juice drink, 16 fl oz, is made up of natural fruit juice. But it also has the full load of the Monster energy blend, including panax ginseng root extract, caffeine, guarana seed extract and l-carnitine. This natural juice drink will help to give you the powerful kick you are looking for. It can help fight fatigue, improve mental performance and motivate you to work and even play harder. If you are looking for a big buzz, Khaos is the ideal drink to provide it. The Monster Khaos Energy Juice Drink bubbles with the smooth drinking flavor of Monster Energy combined with natural juices and the powerful punch you need to either start or get through your day.

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