Tanqueray Dry Gin 750ml

Tanqueray London Dry Gin is made with a time-tested recipe that is meant to entertain. The expertly crafted recipe blends the four distinct botanicals of juniper, coriander, angelica and licorice into a perfectly balanced spirit that has a unique herbal quality and dry finish. In a 2016 poll, Tanqueray London Dry Gin was voted the favorite gin among some of the world's most renowned bartenders*. The perfect inspiration for your own ingenious cocktails, mix our award-winning London Dry Gin with a splash of premium tonic water in a coupe glass and a wedge of lime for a classic and refreshing tasting gin and tonic. Includes one 94.6 proof 750 mL bottle of London Dry Gin. Tanqueray was developed over 180 years ago by Charles Tanqueray, a clergyman's son who chose not to follow the family calling and instead opened a distillery in Bloomsbury, London. Not afraid to mix up brave ideas in his own unique style, he invented a gin which is still celebrated to this day. The perfect mix of ingenuity, heritage and hard work, Tanqueray is a dry, crisp gin with a rich juniper flavor that makes the most refreshing tasting gin and tonics and the driest of martini cocktails. Please drink responsibly. *In a poll by “The World’s 50 Best Bars” (reported in Drinks International’s The World’s 50 Best Bars Annual Report 2016)

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